Paleo Homemade Cream Cheese

Simple Steps To Make Your Own Cream Cheese

By Pesto Princess 

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1. Pour two litres of full cream organic milk into a bowl (preferably earthenware).

2. Cover with a tea towel, knotted at the corners to secure, preventing insects and dust from falling in, yet allowing the milk to ‘breathe’.

3. Leave on your kitchen counter at room temperature for 2-3 days, to allow the natural cultures to develop. Peeking under the cloth is essential to monitor progress, as the time frame for making cheese depends on the weather, among other things.

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4. Once the curds have formed a solid mass, not unlike jelly, it’s time to drain off the whey (liquid part of the milk).

5. Line a colander with a clean tea towel and pour in your curds and whey. A regular tea towel is perfect for keeping back those creamy curds, while allowing the whey to drip through.

 6. Gather the corners of the tea towel together, knotting and tying with kitchen string. Suspend the ‘bag’ from a hook overnight, with a bucket or bowl underneath.

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7. Once the dripping stops, open the bag and pile the curds into a mixing bowl. Whip with a fork to blend, adding salt and pepper to taste. You will end up with roughly 500g of voluptuous cream cheese.

8. Get creative!  Add pesto, or finely chopped herbs, fresh chillies, olives, or spring onions.  If you’d like to go sweet, use only a little salt and no pepper, then add honey, cinnamon, and chopped preserved green figs.

9. The results are spectacular: your own favourite flavour with no preservatives or additives, and the ‘I-made-it-all-by-my-Celine-Dion-self’ feeling you’re left with is hugely satisfying!